Goon's World Extras

Monday, April 30, 2007

Backstrom to be traded at the Draft?

Tell me it isn't So

EK from Hockey Buzz is reporting this:

The Wild are in a very tough spot with Backstrom and may try to execute a sign and trade at the draft with Backstrom I am told....With money tied up in the competent Fernandez, this Wild team is in a bind with Backstrom a UFA...For Wild fans who don't like this idea, think of the Sharks with Toskala and Nabokov. Any team willing to pick up the Nabokov salary and give up a pretty decent player + a backup could have had Nabokov after Toskala's playoff run last year...This playoffs, Nabokov is in the running for could Fernandez next year.

If this rumor of Backstrom being traded during the draft turns out to be true this would be a horrible move, absolutely brutal. I believe that Nicholas Backstrom has more upside than Manny Fernandez. Seriously, we don't even know if Manny can get healthy enough to play next season after suffering a knee injury before the playoffs. Although the playoffs aren't over yet I have to say that I hate the off season.

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