Goon's World Extras

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jersey Pops, this is funny

I saw this over on Sioux sports, if your a Sioux fan it's probably funny, if your a Gopher fan it's probably not as funny as it was last week. Personally, I could care less if the Gophers players want to do their stupid little jersey pops after they score a goal. Some fans have suggested that its bad sportsmanship. I think its just plain stupid, but what ever floats your boat.

In years past; if a player did that in the NHL during the 1970's or 1980's they probably would have gotten their head knocked off by an opposing player. If you think I am crazy listen to Phil Esposito in the afternoons on XM-204. Its about respect for your fellow opponent. It kind of explains today's generation; the gen Y boys, look at me. One could make the argument that it's almost kind of like Terrel Owens when he does his stupid dances after he scores a touch down, the moral of the story is act like you done it before.

This is short satirical video but this is a great response to that. How do you like that jersey pop now? Notice when the Sioux players score a goal they don't do the stupid jersey pop. Actually I saw it once by Taylor Chorney but it was in our house. I have not seen it since and I am sure one of the Sioux coaches would have took them aside and said son, "we don't do that at UND, if you want to do that go play for Minnesota." Just a little observation from what I seen.

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