Goon's World Extras

Friday, February 09, 2007

You can't Start Sucks with out NDSU!!!

The Class that Oozes from Fargo Beat Writers

I think this subject needs to be put to bed, finally. In fact I promise this will probably be the last time that I right/comment on this ridiculously minor petty incident; an incident that should have never consumed this much of of the media's time. It appears finally a news story will probably take over the head lines soon, hopefully it will be about a hockey game that was played on the ice and not in the papers. Its unfortunate that this non-story has grown legs and is now sprinting toward the finish line.

In a way I actually missed the banter between the two towns and programs and in fact I kind of missed the half cocked theories and misinformation that used to come out of sewer known as the Fargo Forum; especially from it’s sports writers, ah but good times lie ahead as Mike McFeely true to his form was able to take his usual back handed mean swipe at UND, all we need now is a good trashing of the Bison Football team by the Fighting Sioux. I suppose McFeely anger is a result of program envy or he must be a big fan of the Gophers, or just ignorant. I take the later.

Welcome back you partisan hack. Where have you been the last few years. Now Mike McFeely has taken it upon himself to decide for the rest of us what is an appropriate response to this off ice MINOR incident . The reason I think this is a lot to do about nothing; especially when my Gopher loving buddies that are Gophers fans don’t even call me after this incent I know they also see it as a minor incident as well. Chalk it up to a slow news week.

Here is some of the latest to come out of Bison apologist Mike McFeely Mike's Drivel and an even more slanted readMcFeely's Blog

Hakstol’s response comical

Dave Hakstol might have a surprise in store for us. He might just be playing mind games with those pesky Mavericks from Minnesota State Mankato. He might yet keep his law-breaking three players out of the University of North Dakota hockey lineup this weekend.

But we doubt it. Which means Hakstol, the Sioux’s coach, has blown Taverngate. Sioux stars T.J. Oshie and Jonathan Toews were charged this week with being minors in a Grand Forks establishment named Judy’s Tavern. Teammate Robbie Bina was cited with the more serious charge of escaping custody for allegedly opening the door of a police car.
The problems happened Jan. 28, a Sunday. The Coaching Common Sense Handbook, used by 98 percent of all college coaches, says Hakstol’s course was simple: The following Monday or Tuesday, Wednesday at the very latest, the coach should have issued a statement saying Oshie and Toews would be suspended for one game against Mankato and Bina would sit both games, with the possibility of more punishment down the road.
Poof! Players punished, story disappears. All in one fell swoop. Easy as an empty-netter.

Goon Goes in the Zone

My question to Mike is why does the media get to decide what is the proper punishment is supposed to be? YOUR NOT EVEN A BEAT WRITER FOR A HOCKEY TEAM, you’re a sports writer for a second rate basketball and football team, and you write for a horrible sports page. The fact that your blog states your address is in Moorhead takes more of your credibility away, in my humble opinion. Let me guess your part of the Fargo/Moorhead area’s any body but the Sioux in hockey. You probably wear a Minnesota Gophers t-shirt under you work attire. Good for you.

The last time I talk about this

Lets break this down for the final time: If a DWI is a 2 game suspension then a one game suspension for a minor in a bar is an over kill, in my opinion. A one game suspension for the theft of pull-tabs in a bar in another town doesn’t equate or call for the same punishment for a minor being in a bar, we don’t even know if there were drinking. Lets not go there. I know that 85% of the population had done what these kids are being crucified for. If in fact that these underage adults were actually drinking alcoholic beverages in the bar in question still doesn’t change the fact that this minor infraction does not warrant a one game suspension or as much focus from the media as it has gotten. Its time for us to move on, my god there is a war going on and this is all we can talk about? I am moving on I am going to a hockey game tonight.

Here is a perfect reponse to McFeely from an Unknow writer on his blog:
its priceless and I think will put this to bed. Lastly I agree with this writer only I am sure even the national inquirer has standards that McFeely couldn't meet.

This guy hits the mark

Ignorance is not a good trait to have when one such as yourself has a forum to purge your hasty, uneducated, and uninformed opinions. Isn't it in Journalism 101 to make sure you've got all the facts straight before you publish an article? Clearly, prudent journalism is not your strength. Perhaps may I suggest that your style of careless writing be better suited working for one of those tabloid magazines like The National Enquirer. There McFeely, you can spew your uninformed rants of untruths and false speculations and the foolish audiences that read such publications may actually believe the substandard, incompetent crap you base your writing career on. I believe you may have failed to review your Journalists Common Sense Handbook when you wrote this piece of blasphemy.

One is quite the judge and jury when not sitting in the chair aren't we? From the moment this hit the news, Hakstol has stood firm on dealing with the situation internally, as any other family, corporation or other group usually chooses to do when a predicament unfolds. I would be all too careful to make hasty judgments before we see what Hakstol and the rest of the coaching staff has in store for these young men. Perhaps we will see them using their talents within the community or with others to give back for their mistakes….rather than waste them sitting out a game or two, which teaches them nothing about the game of LIFE.

None of us are inside that locker room and therefore have no right to judge completely because we do not have all the facts. What will come of this, we will see. Until then, it is my opinion that we should respect the boundaries that have been set and allow the coaches and staff to deal with the situation as they see fit. Anyone who remotely knows or has even slightly observed Hakstol during his tenure on the bench for UND would clearly be able to tell that this man will not let these players get away with this type of behavior without repercussions for their actions and also hopefully, walking away with a life lesson.

You’re a D list public figure McFeely, therefore you’re up for scrutiny too right? So, conceivably one day, when you have underhandedly made a mistake or perchance your child gets into trouble, I will look forward to an article on how you publicly deal with it, relaying every conversation in detail so all of us can sit in your courtroom as judge and jury.

Posted by: Boxer on 2/09/2007 11:56 AM

The latest on the incident. Looks like all will be playing tonight just as I predicted. McFeely is going to be beside himself.

The Sioux players apologized to the public with statements released by UND on Wednesday.

"It's very important to me that all of you know this is being dealt with in a disciplinary fashion, it will be much more time-consuming and hopefully have a much greater impact on our guys than sitting out a game or two," Hakstol said.

"And that's where it's going to stay. I guess we'll see how things turn out in the long run."


  1. Damn goon! This makes me want to rail on this issue just to drive you nuts!! :)

    The Bison people don't like your school, huh? Reminds me of back in the day we made a homecoming banner that had Stoper (the MSU bull) blowing up a Bison (with one of those cartoon dynamite things). It was awesome. The only thing better was that was the following year when we played SCSU and we had t-shirts made of Stomper pooping out a Husky. Ah, good times! isn't a time to be serious.

    I really don't see why people can't laugh a little at this deal. Sure, it was wrong and they should get some form of discipline..just not their heads on a platter like some people want! Send the boys to Mankato. I'll handle the punishment:)

  2. IMO, Bina broke the law and deserves to sit out a least one game maybe two.

  3. I don't have a problem with him sitting once his trial is over and he is either found innocent or guilty.

    I don't know if you remember a little thing like the Duke Rape case but the Duke Administration over reacted and oh, now we find out there is nothing to their case and that basically three lives are ruined over false charges.

  4. Goon: Hello! Welcome to the story of the wrongly accused Mankato players from last year. They all sat before being "found" guilty or before the whole story was out.

    Your boys ADMITTED to wrong doing and their actions. It's VERY WEAK that Bina didn't sit.

  5. If Bina did break the law I agree with Goon that we should wait until a trial if there is one.

  6. He obstructed justice in front of cops, there is no better witness than a cop. The underagers sitting out is kinda stupid, but Bina deserves all he gets. If he underminds the authority of police officers, he deserves all the media attention and everything else that comes with it. I don't care who and what team they play for, I'd feel the same way if it was a WI player, you just don't fuck with cops plain and simple.

  7. Can we say Duke Rape Case. Oh, by the way they fired a coach, ruined three kids lives now we find out there is probably nothing to the case. So were, sorry the kids can come back to school.

    Lastly the DA is going to get disbarred because he is a piece of camel dung. Sorry don't like cussing on my blog.

    When Bina gets his day in court suspend his ass I agree but the other two, big whoop they served as many games as the Goofer players.
