Monday, February 05, 2007

The Latest Projections for the NCAA Tourney

Western College Hockey: NCAA Tourney Projections
I know its way to early to write about the NCAA tourney, and to use the old cliche' there is lot of hockey left to be played before the NCAA tourney starts.

I found this over on Western College Hockey. I like the Match ups that Matt Latham has this week. After watching the Black Bears and Wildcats this past weekend, I am not so sure the New Hampshire Wildcats would want to go through that Regional though. First Sacred Heart than a potential match up with the Fighting Sioux. I could see it happening since UND owes MSU some pay back.

Northeast (Manchester, NH; Host: New Hampshire)

1. New Hampshire (20-5-1, #1 PWR) *auto*
2. Clarkson (17-7-4, #7 PWR)
3. North Dakota (15-11-2, #9 PWR)
4. Sacred Heart (15-9-4, UNR PWR) *auto*


  1. Goonster- do I have to write nice things?!?

    I suppose we could do a blog swap!

  2. It could be a quick explaination of how you think the Mavs are going to do.

  3. quick? I don't know! HA! Just kidding...yeah, I can do it.

    What about you writing up something on your boys for my blog?

    How do we do this...just e-mail what we write to each other?

  4. I will have something written up soon. Probably by tomorrow in the latest.

  5. Ok...I'll try to find time tonight to write something up for you...along with getting my "hot or not done". I got my game recap from the weekend done over lunch:)

    You can e-mail me what you wrote at

  6. Fair enough I will get cracking on it tonight when I get home from my cushy slack job.

  7. You work security or what? Wish my job was cushy! It's Monday and I'm ready to be done dealing with people already. I had someone say I'm a "really mean person" today...hmm...they say that like it's a BAD thing. Isn't it good to be mean if you work in Corrections?!? :)

  8. Ok Goonster...I have it all written up. Now I just need your e-mail address!

  9. I sent it to you...twice...because I had to do an update with the injuries. Didn't you get it!??!

    Maybe it went to your bulk mail or something?!?

  10. I just sent it AGAIN! Let me know if you didn't get it. It'll be coming from a username of Amy Mavsfan.

  11. Got it up. Thanks a lot. LOL, Mine probably won't be as long because I have been tapped for time this week.

    I am going to be on it tonight.

  12. I'm thinking that I'd want to go through the bracket where Notre Dame is #1.

    They've only played one team in the top ten, (Michigan tied for 10th).
