Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Bemidji State Pictures: The Victory

The past two season the Beavers and the Sioux have played in a home and home series. The past two years I was lucky enough to get tickets and go to Bemidji to watch the games in the John Glas Field House. The atmosphere in the arena was amazing. Incidently, Bemidji is tentatively scheduled to get a new arena in the fall of 2009 or 2010. I only hope that Seratore tries to schedule the Sioux to open the new building. It would be a fitting way to open the new building.
Phil Pre-Game
I wouldn't have wanted to be any where else but Bemidji on Friday night. The game in the Glas brought back memories of the old REA. The fans are right on top of the ice in the Glas, and your able to see the action up close and personal. I was also lucky enough to be sitting in the end of the arena where the Fighting Sioux scored all three of their goals. What the John Glas lacks in amenities it gain in crowd atmosphere, if only we could a little of that back in the new REA.
Oshie Stopped in close The Sioux came out buzzing and played with intensity Friday night. I would have to say that it was probably one the best periods of hockey on the year for the Fighting Sioux. In Fridays game the Fighting Sioux played with the same grit that they displayed last Saturday night and had an edge and swagge. This is the type of play that it takes to win close games and to be successful.

Unknown Sioux player checking someone
Bob Woback and another Beaver fan
World Famous Corner Bar

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