Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

When Something is Objectionable.

To Link or Not to Link
Linkorama Continued:
On October 29, 2006 I Posted a Link to a blog of a Mankato fan, shall we say was objectionable. Actually I couldn’t believe some of the stuff that was written on here about Fighting Sioux fans. Here is a post that I got on my Blog today:
Ok Goon...feel free to take the link to my blog off of your blog. I've read enough of your friend's comments. I actually took what you said about UND fans into consideration but with the more posts I see...the more it cements my opinion.

My blog is just a little 'ol blog for my friends and family to enjoy...I don't need it to be linked to people that are going to smear it with nastiness, stupidity, and comments that don't even make sense.

That's exactly why my blog isn't all about the WCHA, Mavs,'s a little hockey, a little my personal life, a little twins...etc. More of a personal thing than a sounding board for rabid hockey fans.


We Have a Decision

Well after putting much thought into this decision: (drum roll please) I have decided to leave the link to your blog up on Goon’s World for the time being, but hey I can do this since this is my site. One could say this is about proving a point. Enjoy the traffic; Goon’s world has done quite well lately. Goon’s World had 3959 hits during the month of October, the most of any month since Goon’s World joined the Blogsphere back in March of 2006. But don’t worry the link will be gone in a few days after I have posted more articles on the blog and the linkorama to will be kicked off of the front page only to be stuck in the archives forever.

My advice to you in the future is don’t insult a whole group of people if you don’t want them coming back to post on objectionable things on your blog. Seriously, most Sioux fans I know or associate with are very respectful people and fun to hang out with. Most of them have real jobs in the professional field and aren’t what you described on your blog. Lastly, most of the Sioux Fans that I know don’t shout profanity-laced tirades in opposing team’s buildings nor do they do it in their own building. In fact most of us are in our middle ages and have long left these objectionable behaviors behind and have grown up.

It’s called net etiquette but it’s also about being a good neighbor and acting in a responsible way in the Internet community. I know I have been burned a few times by not engaging my brain before I have written something and posted it on line. My advice to you is think before you write something, especially when your attacking a whole specific group of people. You made your bed now sleep in it; eventually the posters you despise and hold in contempt will go away. Posting on line is like a shooting a missile on the battlefield once it has been released it is not coming back. As blogers we have to be careful and responsible. Now you are going to pay the consequences for insulting a group of people.

Writing this type of stuff does nobody any good:
Example of what I am talking about:
I hate UND. I know hate is a strong word, but it's appropriate here. I seriously hate UND hockey, their fans, and their program. They are the BIGGEST whiners out there. They're the most rude fans when they come to our arena and walk around all smug and think they're SO much better than Mankato fans and players. Total disrespect is all they show, and it's annoying as hell. Sure, we didn't have some jack-hole give us millions of dollars to build a new hockey arena and to buy players...but that doesn't make us peons. OR for the Sioux fans to say that the Mavs don't belong in the WCHA. Screw off.

We deserve to be there just as much as you...just minus the money. Plus, you seem to forget that the Mavs are good at taking away important wins from teams (yep, though people may hate Lucia...he's figured this out and always says to not underestimate the Mavs, as they'll take games from you if you do...ask CC from 2 years ago, SCSU and UW last year...). UND doesn't get this though, and when they do lose then we see crazy actions, like when Parise stormed the Maverick bench last season and then refused to leave the ice when he got burned on the OT goal by Rankin. Get over it! You lost and that's matter how much you whine or try to buy your way in the's not always going to work.

In Conclusion:
I do not know the woman that writes this web page nor have I had much if any interaction with her on the Internet. Personally I hold no grudge against her and I am sure she is probably a really nice person that mean no harm to anyone, that being said. Please think next time before you insult the whole fan base of the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux

Go Fighting Sioux


  1. I still stand by what I said and do not like UND fans. Sure, I'm sure there are some good ones out there...I just haven't met or seen many of them.

    My point is that my blog is more personal than I don't really care to have a bunch of strangers coming to my blog, expecting it to be all hockey and stats and stuff (something of the nature of your blog, Runninwiththedogs, GoDU, etc). My blog is a mixture of things, thus I don't really care to have it linked to a specific thing (i.e. hockey). However, if you want to keep the link, that's fine. Most people find my blog quite funny, because believe it or not, I'm quite a funny person and not quite the prude of a person that most UND fans have assumed that I am.

    The thing I find interesting is that the UND fans are SO mad about my opinion. Like you said, none of you know why do you care that I dislike UND? Everyone has a school to dislike (think of some of your writings or posts on other's blog about the Gophers...or as you say "goofers"). UND is mine, and I stand by that. Be happy, UND passed SCSU on this for me (which is a HUGE accomplishment)! Perhaps someone else in the WCHA will pass UND some day...though not any time soon.

    I actually was quite flattered that so many people bothered to come to my blog and get all mad. Made me laugh. I mean, how can you get SO mad at a girl who writes about Bob Motzko wearing guess jeans, Jutting smelling of old spice, and which Mavericks are good looking? Think about that...seems a little silly.

    However, the people that came to my blog are obviously die hard UND fans and stick up for their team, which I respect. In fact, I waiting for the day that more Maverick fans are that way (we're getting better...but having a young program it takes time). I'm fine with someone voicing their opinion or wanting to banter points, but some of the people were just out of line. In fact, if I were you, I would be embarassed by them. It shows their level of intelligence and maturity when they post an insult, name, or topic that doesn't even fit. These posts were beneficial, as they proved my point about UND fans in my book.

    Now, the majority of what you wrote was respectful and it sounds like you're not one of "those" fans, but hopefully you can see where I'm coming from..if not, just read some of those posts. These are the type of people who are the ones that are over the top rude when going to other's arena. Ironically, I was talking to people yesterday about this (4 seperate WCHA team fans) and all 4 agreed that UND fans are the most rude when they come to their arena. So, don't think it's just me. Right or wrong, it was just my opinion.

    Another person I was taling to about this came up with a really good point. The comment was "Oh, those UND fans just get so obsessed and out of line because they don't have any REAL (professional) teams in their state!" Perhaps true? HA HA! Now, don't get all jacked up over that. I thoguht it was funny...but if it is true, I'm sure we could give ND the Vikings....

    Lighten up. It's all in fun. Besides, all of you guys should be focusing on SCSU by now, not my little blog. Focus hard, because you probably won't sweep SCSU...

  2. This is being taken waaaaaaay too seriously.

    When I wrote my "Animal Farm" piece on Wisconsin, people wrote that I was stupid, crazy, or that I needed to be bent over and f-ed doggystyle... but not by that person because I am so disgusting. Someone YOU link to, Goon, posted that it was the "Dumbest Blog Post Ever."

    I didn't DO anything about it, besides posting "Thanks for the link!" on the post about me (which mysteriously never showed up on the site). It wasn't the first time and it wasn't the last. WHO CARES?

    The internet is going to be full of people who disagree with you or make you mad. You have to let it go, whether it's a post on another blog or a comment on yours.

    This whole situation is sooooo blown out of proportion and I wish you would both drop it. Mavs posted, Goon commented, and that's that. No one died. PLEASE just let it be OVER.

  3. Someone said those things to you RWD.

  4. Hockey Thought said your article was stupid I remember that, I actually thought your article was funny.

  5. There was an entire THREAD on a Bucky message board about me.

    I like you guys both, and I think you'd BOTH like EACH OTHER. But it looks like you guys are cool now. Right?

    Hello, we all need to focus our energies on making sure the Gophers are humiliated this weekend. WAY MORE IMPORTANT!

  6. Actually I was bored and goofing around. Found something that was interesting. I like differing perspectives.

    Funny thing is I was almost a graduate student in the Sociology department at MSU-M, I decided to stay at UND. In the end I didn't want to work in the corrections field.

  7. If you would have done the masters program here, you would have been on my old stomping grounds! The program is pretty good and I've been tempted to do it myself, however, the job I have now won't pay any more if I have my masters or not.

    Why wouldn't you want to work in Corrections? It's glamorous and pays so well:) HA HA!

    Funny that you were thinking of the MSU program...because that is something one of your friends was ripping on me for (going to MSU and getting a second rate education). When I said that MSU has the best program in 5 states for my major (Corrections) the person told me that basically I was nuts. Obviously you know what I'm talking about if you were thinking of coming here all the way from ND for the program. It's getting national recognition now. Pretty impressive.

  8. I cannot believe anyone would post something on the internet without a password and expect people to not see it.

    and to top it off, put something on there that is hostile and abusive without expecting anyone to comment is also unbelieveable.

  9. We landed on the moon? What???

    C.Y., you're a little late for the party.

  10. RWD,
    what the heck happened to the Dawgs tonight? Looks like you guys came roaring back in the third.

  11. quote: letsgomavs said. . . . My point is that my blog is more personal than I don't really care to have a bunch of strangers coming to my blog, expecting it to be all hockey and stats and stuff (something of the nature of your blog, Runninwiththedogs, GoDU, etc).

  12. "Just when I think you can't do anything dumber......"
