Goon's World Extras

Saturday, November 04, 2006

When a Penalty is Not a Penalty. Sioux Tie Huskies 2-2.

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Three Blind Mice
At the end of tonight’s game the refs blew it. Now before we work over the officials for their poor performance, most know I hold the refs in the WCHA in very low regard, I think they do a horrible job; tonight’s debacle just reinforced that opinion. For most of the season the officials are having trouble. Tonight’s latest issue was the ability to count the number of players a penalized team can have on the ice when they are short handed. Even most of the 5 years olds in the arena can figure this out. Here is the scenario; a SCSU player get called for the hook on the Sioux forwards as he is on a break away heading towards the opposition net (it should have been a penalty shot by the way) so that player is sent to the penalty box, so after much discussion you think the SCSU Huskies would have 4 players and a goalie on the ice. NOPE, not even close, with 11,000 fans screaming that there are too many Husky players on the ice the games goes on and one second ticks off the clock game over. Come on officials can you get it right?

Clueless Fan of the Week
This was posted on Brad’s blog on Saturday. It’s funnier that hell.
Brad's Blog

I am very disappointed in GF this morning... I guess we have never watched a good goalie in our lives. Yes Greico is 3-0 but he is not a very good goalie. Mark my words, when the Sioux play a team that gets to him he will be destroyed. I watched him for the first time last night and he cant control the rebounds, has no idea where the puck is, and looks behind him every time he saves a puck. Grieco will never be the number one goalie for the Sioux; he should still be playing juniors. I have heard from many sources...Sioux players in fact that Walksi is better.... interesting what happens when u get some money to play for a team. I thought politics would be gone at this level of hockey but i guess not...

This is classic stuff here, I would be willing to bet it’s a Gopher fan or one of the locals that stumbled into Brad’s blog full to the gills and wrote this to rile people up. I think it is funny; I even corrected his grammatical errors to make it more readable. Lets look at the Grecio numbers far.

Freshman Anthony Grieco has started in 4 games: his record is 3-0-1 his GAA is 2.94 and he has a save percent of 902. Grieco’s numbers are better than Phil Lamoureux’s who is 3-3, his GAA is 2.53 and his save percentage is .899. Funny thing is, there were fans that said the same things after Aaron Schwitzer after he had played his fist couple games. I can still remember the nay Sayers saying Schwitzer was no good. You have to see his positioning its horrible; every save he makes is an adventure. The kid went on to win an NCAA title. I remember after three season people were still saying Parise sucks. I think as fans we have too high of expectations of the goaltenders.

Oh Yeah the Sioux win
I went off on a tangent and forgot what I was here for in the first place, that was to talk about a Sioux tie. I have to say that I was very impressed with the Sioux and their play this weekend. The Fighting Sioux played their natural rival this weekend and took three points from them. No easy task in my opinion because SCSU is a good hockey team (please don’t tell Skeeterman I said that). Don’t look now it appears that Bobby Goepfert is back on track and ready to take the WCHA by storm again, Goepfert was back in net lucky rabbit foot in pocket and kicking out pucks left and right. I wonder if the Coach at Providence ever regrets kicking Bobby off the Providence Hockey team? It definitely appears that SCSU got the better part of that deal. The guy is amazing.

It appears that Bobby has broken in his new pads (which my buddy Seth tells me that they are Itech Prodigy’s and they are supposed to the be next hot thing in goalie equipment) by the way the look very expensive and very nice. Much better than last years pads.
The Goepfert Line from Saturday’s game

Bobby Goepfert (65:00 T) 9 13 14 4 = 40 (2 GA)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the coach from Providence kicked Bobby off as much as he "HAD" to let him go, due to the plagerism scandal...from what I know, the admin. at the school had the say in that.

    Bobby was waiting on his new pads, because the first pair (like all of the new equipment SCSU got this year) was wrong. He was using "old school" looking brown and red pads and was happy to ditch them because "they made him look like he played for Denver". I read an interview with Bobby and I think he said that all the WCHA goalies had to get new pads because they changed the size requirements. Makes sense because I know Tormey has new ones too. I believe the WCHA made the rule they had to be smaller than what they were.

    Sounds like your game along with the UMD/U game had even worse luck with the refs than we did this weekend. I wonder how they pick the refs and evaluate them? All I know, is if most of us were as bad as them at our jobs, we would get fired. It's very frusterating. I wish they would get rid of them all and bring in new.
