Monday, June 26, 2006

Goon's Rambling 6-26-2006

Toews is a Black Hawk
Toews is Highest UND pick in entry draft
Jonathon Toews became the highest pick ever in UND Fighting Sioux History history the previous high pick was former Fighting Sioux Player Jason Herter. So the Fighting Sioux have another 1st round draft choice.

Red Line Report on Toews
The most complete all around forward in this draft. Supremely skilled and creative center with great hands and touch around the net. A real sniper who has tremendous patience with puck around the crease. Has a wicked wrsit shot that he can pinpoint to any corner he wants--buries his chances. Excellent anticipation and the puck always seems to find him; has the knack for being in the right place at right time. Gets the puck to his wingers in great position. Was the youngest player in U.S. collegiate hockey, yet was a key member of top 10 club. Can play any style. Will muscle defenders off the puck down low, then drive out of the corners and make plays on net. Superb hockey intelligence in all three zones and is extremely aware and responsible defensively. Comes back deep to help out "D" and is good on faceoffs.
Projection: Complete two-way centre who scores.
Style compares to: Rod Brind'Amour

Is Toews the nexts to leave UND?
There is a good to decent chance that Toews could be the next Fighting Sioux hockey player to become a former Sioux Hockey Player. Goon's world is holding his breath and hoping he stays just one more season. Toews has been on record of saying that he doesn't want to bounce around from the Minors to the NHL and wouldn't mind playing at UND a little long. The Towes watch is officially on. Goon's plea to Toews: Please Jonathon Toews stay one more year in Grand Forks. We really would love to see you stay at UND.
Bruins Draft Kessel
Kessel A Bruin ugh
Goon's World is disappointed to announced that the Boston Bruins, a once storied original 6 team and former Stanley Cup Champion decided to draft Gopher cry baby and Prima Donna Phil Kessel in the 2006 entry draft. The Bruins used to 5th pick to take Phil. I can't say that I have ever been more disapointed in the Bruins Franchise. Well, except maybe the day that they traded Ray Bourque to Colorado.
Goon's Take on Bruins Signing Kessel
I know Gopher fans are going to be upset with me but I just can't stand Kessel. I mean really, every since his stupid press conference on where he was going to attend college WCHA fans had had to stomach all Kessel all the time.

In the Goon's opinion TJ Oshie was the better freshman in the WCHA and should have been the Rookie of the Year. Of course they ended up giving the award to Phil Kessel because the league had backed itself into a corner and had to give the award to Phil. The word out of Madison was that Jack Skille and Kessel don't get along and despise each other so Phil decided to go to Minnesota instead of the home town BADgers.

Realistically speaking, I know Phil Kessel is a good hockey player, its evident by the numbers he put up in the WCHA last season. However, I just think the wonder kid is an ass in my opinion, I don't know him personally but I just don't like how he carries himself.

Also, Mr Kessel need to learn that contrary to public belief the world doesn't revolve around Phil Kessel, and I am sure the Bruins will teach him soon enough that he is not above the organization he is playing for. Rumor is that Phil is going to sign and play pro hockey. Personally I hope he likes Providence Rhode Island (that is where the B's farm team is). Phil was quoted as saying I didn't dream about playing hockey in college I dreamed of playing hockey in the NHL. I am sure T-Don is happy with comment. Notice Mr Toews is a little more elegant in his speaking to the media. Ok to think that but you might want to word your responses a little better.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing Skille and Toews connecting for tons of goals in the NHL - just hopefully not for a couple years yet.

    As for Kessel, I think you're being a little bit tough on the kid. I don't think he's an ass really - in fact, he seems pretty uncomfortable in media interviews. Sure, he taunted the Madison crowd, but that's after we spent 5+ periods booing him every time he touched the puck.

    And I don't fault him for dreaming of playing in the NHL - he's a fantastic offensive player and I think he's got a long and successful career ahead of him. Clearly, a guy with that kind of skill has been thinking about the NHL and college is just a stepping stone for him. Rumor is he'll sign and as a Wisconsin native I wish him the best of luck if he does.

  2. Ok, maybe your right as a rabbid Sioux fan it customary to hate everything about the Gopher fans and their team.

    Personally I think St. Phil has brought some of this crap on his self. I hope that he does make it in the NHL and does have a successfull career.

    As a person that lived in the Boston Area for a few years and still follow the Bruins a lot, Let me tell you if Phil isn't all that they say he has been hyped to be the Boston fans will eat him alive.

    I am finding it hard to write a hockey blog and this story was a way of fishing for Goofer fans but I ended up catching Badger fan. Yikes.

  3. Phil and I had a lovely conversation when he came to Houghton. I even made fun of him about the drinking incident, and he took it well. He seems like a good kid, honestly.

    I think a lot of the reason that you may not like him is due to his family... and more specifically, his mother.

    But either way, it was still an entertaining entry. =)

  4. You maybe right Mean Girl I remember when Lindros came into the league and his parents were really meddlesome (is that a word) and they were his mouth piece and Eric said I am not going to play for Quebec.

    The Cuping the ear thing was a non issue with me. I honestly think maybe a lot of Sioux fans are hard on him is that he plays for the Dirty Goofers.

    All I can say is that I hope he turns out and makes it happen, Boston is not a very forgiving Sports town.
