Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

An Interesting Article to Check out on INCH.COM

INCH's 10 Questions for 2007

The Fighting Sioux name:
• What is the future of the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo at North Dakota?

The university’s “final” appeal is currently under review by the NCAA. But our hunch is that you could have resolution of who killed JFK before this is said and done.

Neither side has shown any inkling of backing down in the standoff. That hints, at some point, of a compromise, although what form it would take is anyone’s guess. Most likely, the Sioux would be prevented from hosting future regionals at Ralph Engelstad Arena, which would be a shame after a well attended event at the world’s most beautiful hockey rink this March.

Goon's World prediction:
First off, I think its funny that the most people ever to attend an NCAA hockey regional happened in Grand Forks, ND at the REA. That right NC-DOUBLE-ASS that’s REA the home of the hostile and abusive logo the Fighting Sioux (or as deemed by NCAA’s head ass Miles Brand). Miles Brand is looking more and more like a liberal p.c. hand wringing buffoon everyday. Did this moron work for Bill Clinton administration?

I think if UND's final appeal is thrown out shot down or whatever you want to call it, the University of North Dakota is going to Sue the pants off the NCAA, and win. The administration has basically said as much. I am so sick and tired of baffoons like Miles Brand, their political correctness run amuck. This P.C. crap is a perfect example of what is wrong with our country today, we bend over for every group that feels offended or some how wronged. I also believe this is the beginning of the demise of this great country. What next? We going to stop calling the terrorist fighting us terrorist because they feel offended. Mayb4e we should be offended by the term Crusaders because that is what UBL call us.

Finally even if we lose this appeal the University of North Dakota should tell Brand and the NCAA to go "ef" themselves. Or basically tell the NCAA UND will change our name Fighting Sioux when the other schools with Native Monikers change their names and logos. Its hypocritical and wrong to let one group have their while another group is told they can’t wear their uniforms. Miles Brand is an empty suit and you can see his flawed liberal agenda shinning through. I suppose P.C. morons Like John Hoff, Russell Mean and others are wringing their hands with tomorrows meeting in Indianapolis.

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