Goon's World Extras

Friday, April 28, 2006

Goon's World Official Stance on the issue.

The Goon's offical stance on the NCAA ruling on the Fighting Sioux logo.
I think just because the NCAA let FSU keep its name for NCAA Tourneys and UND not keep its name for NCAA Tourneys basically says there is a double standard and that since FSU is a huge school with a lot of money: plus the fact that their governor made a big stink in the beginning of the process basically then strong armed the the NCAA to back down, basically proves that if your a small school your going to not be ruled against favorably even if you have a letter from your name sake tribe. Correct me if I am wrong UND does have a letter from the Spirit lake Tribe basically stating they have the support of the Spirit Lake Sioux. Since no one from Fort Totten or from the Spirit Lake Tribe has ever rescinded that letter of support that should be enough to have any court slap The NCAA around.

However, this just proves the double standard and inconsistency of the NCAA and this ruling this should be enough for them to be slapped or sanctioned by a court of law. What good for one should be good for another school. Again, this is what happens when you let this P.C. crap get out of hand. It’s a sad day for this country that we as a nation are leading/heading this way, its liberalism run amuck. Apparently Americans have a constitutional right to not be offended. However, in looking at the constitution I can not find anywhere its written that we have that god given right to not be offended and that we have to be appeased if we are offended.

Lastly, Brand's liberalism is starting to show through with your basic class warfare, its jealousy and envy, the have-not’s are jealous of UND's standing in the College hockey world because of the Ralph Englestad Arena and the recruiting advantage it give the Fighting Sioux. Rightfully or wrongly Englestad when he built this arena shoved it down the NCAA and the PC name change crowd's throat, now we are paying for this. UND has to fight back and not let these clowns win. It’s about power and not giving in to a vocal minority. Brand is trying to leave a legacy and UND must fight this or be shoved to the side of the road.

This is not over and Brand has no way won. I just hope UND waits out the NCAA on this and does not compromise. Also, if UND eventually let the name change people pay for the changes to have the logos removed. Maybe it should cost Leigh Jeanoette his job at the University.

Goon's Message to Miles Brand.
Dear Miles Brand:
I think you have picked the wrong University to mess with. The great people of the state of North Dakota will not be pushed around by some hand wringing leftist snob like your self that has an axe to grind and a legacy to shore up. You’re a dying breed the left elitist college professor. A Dinosaur that should be freeze dried in some leftist university museum. The Alumni of the University of North Dakota will not back down and our administration will fight this out in the court. Bring it on.
Your exactly what is wrong with this country today.


  1. I'm completely with you on this. The NC$$'s ruling seems pretty bad. This Bulldog fan is planning on getting a Fighting Sioux jersey pretty soon. I should have gotten one before the current ones, I really loved the head outline ones.

    By the way, during the NCAA regionals I noticed that the Sioux logo wasn't on the ice at all, just the "UND" logo. What was up with that?

  2. That had something to do with the logo being too big per NCAA regulations so they just decided not to have it on the ice at all.

  3. This is what I have been talking about for years, but of course all of my Liberal Friends have said that I am going off the deep end.

    Political Correctness and extreme Liberalism going unchecked. This is what you end up with. People should be worried. This is only the beginning. The US house as stepped forward with a bill to stop the NCAA from over stepping its bounds. And wouldn't you know it Earl Pomeroy is trying to strattle the fence by saying he likes the name but doesn't want to have the US house get involved. How nice Earl show some back bone. Of course Earl has come close to losing his job so he has to play both sides of the fence. That my friends is a travesty. You are either for it or against it. Make up your mind.

    Thats a man pandering for votes. Native vote DNC almost exclusively, and Pomeroy doesn't want to upset the natives but still wants to be for the name. Typical Dem.
