Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bagdad Cindy. The face of the left?

I can't stand this woman and she is about as stupid as they come. has tried to make her the new face of the Democratic National Convention. Nah, they changed their mind they are running away from this whack job faster than they are running away from Looney man Howard Dean. Baghdad Cindy kind of reminds me of Hanoi Jane Fonda This piece posted below really sums it up well. I found this on a web page.

Vietnam had Hanoi Jane, Iraq has Baghdad Cindy! At least Hanoi Jane. didn't have a son who gave his life for his country and she bashed as the murder of thousands of innocent Iraqi's like Baghdad Cindy is doing when she accuses our soldiers of this in her insane statements. The peril in which our brave and honorable troops have been placed because of the stupidity coming out of this woman's mouth is just as treasonous as it was when Hanoi Jane placed our POW's lives at higher risk by her actions during Vietnam. I strongly suggest that signs start going up in counter protests in Crawford and across the Nation labeling her "BAGHDAD CINDY" which would be a just and true label for her. I have read the emails sent to you after your Crawford appearance and I am shocked and appalled. Not only are they degrading themselves by using this type of language in their uneducated and falsely informed points of view, but they are degrading our troops who are serving in Iraq. These soldiers are serving in order to help develop and protect the freedoms in Iraq that we are so privileged to enjoy in America. How can they overlook all of the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women, and children who were murdered in cold blood by Hussein and his government and still say that Americans are the murderers? In Baghdad Cindy and her follower’s cases, the old saying " better to be thought stupid than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt" seems to fit quite well.

Check this out:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is a woman who lost her son in the war. She has been unable to cope with it (understandable) and now this is her self determined therapy. When she stops, she will have to look within herself and greive. Actually, I feel sorry for her personally. That said, it's shameful how she is being portrayed as some beacon against the war. But, that is what our media does to hurting people.

  3. Blazer the problem with Cindy is that she is being used by the DNC, Moveonorg and other left wing Fring groups.

    Also, sure the woman lost her child (again he voluntered for the war) which is unforunate, however, the woman has said some really stupid stuff, and just because she lost her son doesen't mean she has a liscense to say stupid stuff about George Bush. I think she has done a horrible diservice to her son and the 2000+ soldiers that have died fighting for their country.
