Goon's World Extras

Friday, January 20, 2006

Its Fighting Sioux not Sue.

College hockey fans around the globe like to make fun of the Fighting Sioux nick name by calling them Sue. One of my buddies (A BSU alumni, a power house in division one hockey, I am rolling my eyes) sent me above questionable picture. Most rabid Sioux fans have heard it many times before, so it is nothing new, however, I didn’t know that Dora the explorer was our new moniker, I hope we aren’t stepping on their copy right.

These uninformed rubes also like to think its funny to ref to the Fighting Sioux as Sue because of the connotation that women are weak or of the lesser sex. My opinion is let them have their fun and make fun of us. Maybe we should do a run down of the numbers in case any of the cretins are confused. They may want to take a trip up to REA and take a look at the banners hanging in the Rafters of the beautiful REA, I believe one look into the rafters says it all: 7 NCAA titles, 13 WCHA titles, over 300+ current and former professional hockey players. That’s pretty impressive in my opinion. Who cares if the rubes from Minnesota want to make fun of us? In case they are having problems with math, 7 > 5.


  1. "That is bush-league. I get sick of hearing that too, I think it is great that Cliffy is such a women's libber that he can bring up the obvious sexist connotations of those comments!"

    Hello pot, my name is kettle! Then how bush league is yelling SUE at the end of THE NATIONAL ANTHEM?Anyhoo.......

    Nice Blog GOON! How's your lap on pheasants? Have a 7yo Vizsla here. WASP? Man not many people even know who WASP is. SWEET!!!!

    I F**K LIKE A BEAST!!!!!Go Goph's!!!
